With this step-by-step instruction you can easily add your review.

Remember, only customers who have already made a purchase in my store can leave a review.

Step One.

First, you must log in to your account. To do this, click on the Login button at the top of the page.

Step Two.

Enter your email and password, with which you registered in the store.

If you do not remember your password, you can always restore it. Click on link Forgot your password?

Step Three.

On the My Account page click on Order history and details

Step Four.

On the order history page click on the details of the order which contains the doll for which you want to write a review. 

Step Five.

In the details of the order, choose a doll for which you want to write a review.

After that you will be redirected to the page with the doll that you purchased earlier.

Step Six.

On the page with the doll, click on the REVIEWS link.

Step Seven.

In the window that appears write your review, add pictures if you have them.

Click the SEND button.

That's all!

Thank You!

Your review is received! It will appear on the Reviews page soon.